· Pastor Art – Bible Teacher
Do you know any real live atheists? I don't, right now at least. Actually, the statistics show that most people believe in God. Granted, they may define "God" a little differently, nevertheless, they believe in a "Higher Power". However, there are atheists out there.
I, for one, believe in God—the God of the Bible. In the Bible God has revealed himself as one God in Three Persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). That's my faith (See Statement of Faith).
I guess there are two strong reasons why I believe in God. First, because of Jesus Christ—his life, his teachings, and his resurrection (Listen Now: He Has Risen).
Second, an orderly creation. I'm sorry, but I can't believed that our world and human life just happened by chance. No way! The design of creation points powerfully to a Designer (Listen Now: Who Are Human Beings? & Meeting God at Deeper Levels). That's the way I see it.
I realize, we can't argue an atheist into becoming a Christian believer. I think the reasons for my faith are strong, but an atheist won't surrender easily, that's for sure.
Recently I read an article in Decision, a publication of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. The article was written by Phil Fernandes (President of the Institute of Biblical Defense) and was entitled Sharing Christ with an Atheist. In the article the author gives some good ideas about how to approach an atheist with the good news of Jesus Christ. Here are his suggestions:
First, "pray for them."
Second, "speak the truth in love, treating atheists with gentleness and respect."
Third, "don't try to prove God's existence beyond all reasonable doubt. Our goal should be more modest: argue that theism is more reasonable than atheism."
Fourth, "be willing to simply plant seed. Stay in touch with your atheist friends, love them and pray for them."
Fifth, "remember that for an atheist to believe that God exists is only the beginning. They still need to be persuaded that Jesus is the Son of God, who died on the cross for our sins."
Phil Fernandes said a lot more that is excellent. Read the entire article in Decision magazine, the November 2007 issue.
If you are an atheist, you might want to explore what the Christian faith is all about (Listen Now: The Gospel of John). Listen to the Gospel of John with the prayer: God, if you are real, show yourself to me.
Also, I would encourage you to read "Steps to Peace with God" (See How to Become a Christian).