The Gospel of Mark is an action packed narrative of Jesus' activities while on planet Earth.
The gospel recounts the places Jesus visited, his teachings, his time with his disciples, and the miracles he performed out among the people. Perhaps the first and the shortest of the four gospels, the author tells the good news of Jesus in 16 chapters recounting events chronologically as they occurred. Starting with the baptism of Jesus and leading to the defining moments in His life such as the crucifixion and His resurrection the story is told.
Biblical scholars and historians maintain that the Gospel of Mark was written by John Mark, an understudy of the Apostle Peter, in approximately AD 65-70–perhaps the first gospel to be written. It is noted that the author pays careful attention to explain Jewish customs, which many believe indicates that the primary audience for this gospel may well have been non-Jewish readers such as the Romans.
The Gospel of Mark depicts Jesus in action. The word "immediately" appears often in the text. Although the book is a fast-paced look at Jesus' life, Pastor Art takes time to focus in on critical passages that bring out nuggets of biblical truth for believers to apply to their lives today. The twenty-five lessons expose present day believers to Jesus' approach to key issues of His times and take-away principles that can be applied to life today.
An account of how the story of Jesus begins: The prophet, Isaiah; John, the Baptist; the baptism and temptation of Jesus.
Jesus calls his 12 disciples; why did they respond? At Capernaum, demons are cast out and Jesus heals people.
Jesus explains why he cares about human needs, whether physical or spiritual.
Jesus was criticized about fasting, his view of the Sabbath, and about healing. He didn't keep the traditional Jewish rules! His critics are answered.
How to face and overcome opposition. Whenever one does something significant, there will be opposition.
Jesus teaches on four kinds of spiritual hearts in people: hard, shallow, overcrowded, and good. What are the characteristics of each type.
We all face storms in our lives. They will not disappear. Jesus gives three living examples of how to get through our storms successfully through faith in him.
Rejection comes in various forms: ideological, personal, and physical. Jesus faced them all and felt persecution and suffering just as you may be feeling. There are ways to handle these struggles.
Ever walk on water? Ever invite 5,000 over for dinner? What impossibilities do you face? Jesus suggests that miracles are possible--even today!
Often we face and must deal with long-held traditions and legalistic views of the so-called spiritual life. We're not talking about sin here, but rather the long-held notions of some people. Jesus had a different view.
Does God care about people of other races and cultures? What about the physically disabled? Is God's love restricted only to "my kind"? No way!
Jesus points out the problem of defeated Christians, gives the reason, and then suggests a solution that works. Jesus makes a blind man see. Strange method perhaps, but there is a lesson for us in it all.
Want to know what a true and faithful follower of Jesus Christ is all about? This passage of scripture is the definitive and critically important statement regarding the way of the cross. A don't-want-to miss discussion for true believers!
Have you heard of "The Transfiguration" of Jesus? Three of His disciples about freaked out during this experience. Wow!!! It only happened once. Everyone needs a mountain top experience sometime in their life.
Ever been on an ego-trip? We all have. Our culture teaches us to compete and succeed. How did Jesus measure success in life? Does anyone ever have to be a failure? You'll be surprised. You can be a great person!
Jesus was questioned about divorce and remarriage. A subject 2000 years ago still on the minds of people today. Marriage is really for three people! The single life is also an attractive option for many.
Do you want to come to God? Three different kinds of people approached Jesus: a child, a rich young man, and a blind man. Did they all make it? Most of them did, but not all.
As Jesus entered the ancient city of Jerusalem there were cheers and jeers. Listen to what happens next as Jesus took very dramatic action in the Temple area. In righteous anger, He tore the place up. It it possible to do this and also care about the city and its people?
Jesus faces Q&A with the Jewish religious leadership. In this contentious environment. Jesus poses a question of his own. Learn what He revealed as the most important heart characteristic of all.
The end times. Books and prophecies have exhausted speculation on the topic. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future? Jesus gave only one lesson on prophecy. It had a short view and a long view.
Take a deep look in on the most traumatic period in the life of Jesus. If the transfiguration was the highest experience, then Gethsemane was the deepest experience of His life. In the face of blow-torch like suffering, Jesus comes through it alright--amazingly. Discover the secret of release from stress.
Can Christians ever splurge? Mary (Martha's sister) thought so. So did Jesus. Some were critical of what Mary did. Jesus told them to mind their own business! Oh, then there was Judas.
Jesus went through two principal trials: religious and civil. What a mockery of justice. There is also a third trial that is still in progress.
Why did Jesus die on the cross? The actual crucifixion is described in four short words in Mark 15:24. Only four words describe the most significant moment in all of human history.
Do people really believe in the literal, bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead? You bet they do! Proof abounds that it happened and no reasonable mind can doubt it. More importantly, the resurrection was the validation of all Jesus claimed to be and all he did on the cross for our salvation.