The apostle Peter wrote in his second letter, "Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2Peter 3:18). Just the word "grow" implies our need for progress. As Christians there is always new territory to claim.
The areas in which we are to grow are grace and knowledge. Grace is the help from God that we do not deserve but desperately need. The area of growth is in the knowledge of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. There is always more to know about Jesus and the Bible is our source book. Of course, the end result of experiencing more of the grace and knowledge of Jesus is to become more like him - and he is holy.
The 17 lessons in the Growing in Christ series are designed to move us from our new birth right on through important stages in the Christian life. There is no claim here to be comprehensive. However, there is much in these lessons to make each of us more Christ - like and therefore more to the praise of his glory.
John 3:16 The human species has a problem. It is called sin. God's solution is in the cross of Christ. Three steps are given leading us to receive Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord.
Pastor Art uses five characteristics of the reborn life from 1Peter 1 as given by Dr. Paul Cedar. He then takes us to John's gospel, chapter 3 and the encounter of Jesus with Nicodemus. Four steps are suggested to lead us into the reborn life.
The words "Pentecost" and "pentecostal" are explored. The Day of Pentecost in Acts 2 is discussed. Then Paul's admonition to "be filled with the Spirit" is explored. It is important that every believer is filled with the Holy Spirit. How is that accomplished?
Jesus teaches us that we are to "abide" or "remain" in him. This is very important as we are to be fruit-bearing Christians. The Old Testament example of Elijah is used. The daily devotional life of the Christian is imperative, if we are to abide in Christ and bear fruit for him.
Pastor Art follows the simple outline from Dr. Eldon Trueblood of the Lord's Prayer for this lesson: Thank you! Help me! Help my friends! This is, as Catherine Marshall put it, about "the asking prayer." Every prayer matters. Every prayer makes a difference. Prayer must be a growing part of the Christian life.
In Acts 12 we find one of the most astounding incidents in the early church. It is the story of Peter's miraculous escape from prison. What an encouragement to pray!
What is real faith? From Hebrews 10 & 11 the meaning of faith is explored. What a joy it is to face life with faith in the love and power of God.
What is certain hope? The life of Gideon in Judges 6 is used as an illustration of certain hope. Christ Jesus is our hope.
What is true love? The meaning of love has long been trivialized by our generation. Jesus lived and demonstrated the life of love. He laid down his life for us. There is no greater love.
As we seek the will of the Lord in any given situation, keep in mind, God may change the situation; God may show you how to change the situation; God may leave the situation as it is, but change the one doing the praying. In the end, we expect to know and see the will of God.
What was Jesus' vision for the church (Matthew 16)? How did it work out (Acts 2)? How can you be involved (Ephesians 4)? All of this is discussed in the lesson on the exciting church.
What is commitment? Here are five areas of commitment that are important to the health and growth of any church. Check them out!
Before Jesus ascended into heaven, he left his disciples with two basic instructions: Be sure you have the power of the Holy Spirit; be sure you witness about Jesus. This lesson teaches about spreading the good news of Jesus to our generation.
Not every Christian is an evangelist. However, every Christian is a witness. This lesson discusses "the natural witness". We will discover our circles of influence. Now we need to get going - for Christ.
The Rev. Royal S. Nelson once said, "Jesus had only 12 disciples, but he had many friends." Nelson went on to explain that it is out of our pool of friends that we influence people to turn to Christ as Savior and Lord. The Southern Baptist method of evangelism is introduced: First, meet my family. Second, meet my church. Third, meet my Savior.
On February 3, 1970 the Asbury Revival took place. It was a special moving of God's Spirit among his people. In this lesson, a revival is defined, steps to revival are given, and the results of revival are discussed.
Using Ezra the priest as an example, this lesson from Ezra 7-10 gives us five steps to personal and corporate revival. May God grant a gracious spiritual revival to his church all over the world.