When we become Christians there begins a process of enrichment. God gives us his good gifts over time. No good gift will he withhold from us. HE is a benevolent God.
Pastor Art has made use of source material in a series of studies by various authors on The Gifts of God appearing in Decision Magazine in the decade of the 1990s - a publication of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. He also included his own Biblical information and experiences. What emerged is an interesting set of merged lessons for which Pastor Art is alone responsible. He is sure that the lessons will help a person understand the Triune God better and draw closer to Him.
A David Clark outline is used to understand Christian joy. First, joy comes from God. Second, joy characterizes the Kingdom. Third, joy transcends suffering. Fourth, joy anticipates heaven.
Hope is central to the Christian life. But, what is hope? Hope is both possibility and necessity. Christian hope must be contrasted with secular hope.
Peace is both an untroubled mind and untroubled emotions. The Bible speaks of peace with God and the peace of God. God gives inner peace. God gives interpersonal peace. God gives international peace. God gives eternal peace.
A Christian experiences the love of God. God took the initiative in love. God's love is voluntary. God's love is unconditional. God's love is offered to all.
God is the concerned provider. We may pray to God about our material needs. God honors real need, but he rebukes greed.
Loneliness is a very difficult thing. Within the Trinity there is fellowship. We are adopted into God's family. The church is a family. In Christ we have a pattern for earthly families.
Dr. F. K. Radandt suggests four ideas about Christian freedom. We are free to do as we ought. We are free to enjoy freedom. We are free to choose the truth. We are free to live by the Word of God.
Holiness is a life set apart from sin and for God. God desires holiness in his people. Holiness is based on a transformed life. Holiness is a cooperative effort. Christ is the pattern for holiness. To be holy is to be increasingly like Jesus.
In John 15 Jesus calls on us to remain (abide) in him. What then is remaining? What is a fruitful Christian life? The Holy Spirit and remaining in Christ are discussed. There are rewards for remaining in Christ.
Giving is both a gift and a grace. We don't all have the spiritual gift of giving. We all may enjoy the grace of giving. The essence of giving is not how much but rather a God-given grace to assist people in need.
The Sabbath or the Lord's Day is a special gift of God. It can be burdened with rule-making or become a blessed break in the work-a-day world for the worship of God, family fellowship and relaxation. We all need these things desperately.
God's guidance is discussed in terms of his holy character and his purposes for his children. Several important sources are noted to assist us in finding God's will in our lives.
The marvelous grace of God is presented in terms of four ideas: sovereign grace, saving grace, sustaining grace and serving grace.
God's protecting care gives us meaning, helps us in times of trouble, develops a new attitude and points us toward the ultimate goal.
Salvation is multidimensional. Scripturally, we can say: I have been saved (justification); I am being saved (sanctification); and I will be saved (glorification). These three dimensions of our salvation are explored.
Jesus taught us much about the third person of the Holy Trinity. Pastor Art looks at four events in the life of Jesus, where he taught about the Holy Spirit: the farewell dinner, the first Easter evening, a conversation at night and the greatest day of the feast.
The Bible, the Word of God, is the primary source of our knowledge of God and his will for humankind. In this chapter, we will look at four things: the wonder of the written Word, Jesus the living Word, three ways we need the Word and discipleship and the Word.
The four seasons of life: life before physical birth, life after physical birth, life after spiritual birth and life after physical death.
Faith in God is necessary to our salvation. In this lesson we will look at how faith begins, continues, is deepened and spreads. Christians are people of faith in God.
First, patience is defined. Then we note how patient God is with us. We also need patience with each other. Trials and suffering are often allowed in our lives to help us find and grow in patience.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is all about reconciliation. Reconciliation is a promise. It is also risky. But it is to be a healing force in our lives. Christians are called to reconciliation.
First, wisdom is defined. Then the need for Godly wisdom is discussed. Most exciting of all is the fact that Jesus Christ is our wisdom living in us.
Paul tells us to "practice hospitality". Peter adds, "without grumbling". Dr. David Batstone shares these points that Pastor Art will make use of: hospitality and joy; the guest as a messenger of good news; the warning of failed hospitality; and we are all strangers in search of hospitality.
First, a definition of eternal life is given. Next, the source and cost of eternal life. Then, the beneficiaries of eternal life. Finally, the results of eternal life.
What a gift: the comfort of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Now, what comfort do we owe to one another?
Pastor Art borrows an outline from Joan E. Carter. The victory is the Lord's. The victory is given to us. The victory is over all. The victory involves faith.
What is ministry? In this lesson, Pastor Art discussed ministry in the Bible and provides insight that will give you understanding of what ministry is - the sacred and the secular. All Christians are called to ministry.
Excerpts from C.S. Lewis help us to better understand friendship. Do we have friendship with God? Is God hiding? How does God fellowship with us? What does friendship with God produce in us?
In this lesson, Pastor Art helps the listener discover the source of Spiritual fullness. We all desire spiritual fullness. What then is the effect of spiritual fullness? The water of life is accessible to us.
We must think about mercy and God's displeasure. Jesus Christ is God's provision for the forgiveness of our sins. God wants to extend mercy to other though Christian believers.