The "Fruit of the Spirit", based on Galations 5:22-23, is all about the Godly characteristics the Holy Spirit wants to grow inside each believer. We all have these nine characteristics in us, but they have been severely damaged by sin. Therefore, following our salvation the Holy Spirit takes up residence in us and begins the process of not only damage control, but also damage repair. That's what these lessons are about - how the Holy Spirit works in our lives all through life to make us more like Jesus in nine important areas.
In a world so defined by sensual love, what is real love all about? From the teachings of Jesus and the Apostle Paul, discover a definition of love that is applied in surprising ways.
There is a difference between "happiness" and "joy". Joy is defined. Then seven "joy prompters" are shared - things that give us joy in our Christian lives. This joy must be expressed.
In Christ we want and need peace. Pastor Art talks about three kinds of peace found in the New Testament: spiritual peace, psychological peace and relational peace. Jesus gives us the gift of his peace.
Patience is waiting and enduring with the right attitudes. Patience is not easy. Where does patience come from? How do we get it? What keeps it going and growing?
Kindness is a beautiful thing. In this lesson kindness is defined, exemplified and put into practice.
To be a good person is a high compliment. We need to define goodness. Really, we must discover how we acquire goodness in our lives. Then it must be expressed.
All true Christians want to be faithful in their walk. Faithfulness is a sacred trust, a careful investment and calls for final accountability. In the end we want to be found faithful.
Gentleness is one of the unmistakable marks of the Christian life. We'll look at the gentleness of God, the gentleness of man, and the gentleness of the God-Man, Jesus. Finally, we'll examine gentleness in practice.
Self-control is keeping a balance between extremes. It is resisting the temptation to go to extremes. It is temperance and moderation. It is the maturity that does the right thing at the right time - in the control of the mind, of the emotions and the body. Only the Holy Spirit can make this possible.