By way of his missionary journeys Paul spent extended time in the province of Asia in Ephesus and other cities. He established friendships with many there. Interestingly, Paul's letter to the Ephesians has none of his usual personal greetings and does not deal with any particular problems or news. Therefore, most Bible scholars believe that the Book of Ephesians began as a circular letter written by Paul to a group of churches in what is now western Turkey.
The church at Ephesus was one of the churches in the area as were the churches at Colossae and Laodicia. Many Bible scholars believe that Paul wrote this letter probably from prison (house arrest/Acts 28:3-31) in Rome in the years around A.D. 60. Other letters written during the same period are Philippians, Colossians and Philemon.
The general nature of the letter provides few clues to the situation in the church at Ephesus, with the exception that there is a general theme that urges the churches of Gentile Christians to unite with their fellow Jewish Christians in common faith. Although Paul had been specially called by the Lord to work among the Gentiles (Acts 9:15), the theme in this letter focuses around God's glorious plan to bring men and women of every nation and background together in Christ (Eph. 1:10; 2:14-19).
The letter itself is generally divided into two parts: Chapters 1-3/theological; Chapters 4-6/practical. The first three theological chapters are perhaps the most profound writing of the apostle on the theme of salvation.
In 12 Bible messages Pastor Art explores Paul's letter to the Ephesians and brings out key messages that emphasize that as Christians, all are on equal terms. Pastor Art also focuses a number of messages on what it means to be an authentic follower of Christ through family relationships. The final message in the series, The Believer's Battle Dress, cautions Christians that the Devil is alive and on the prowl. However, with the power of God it is possible to successfully live the Christian life in the face of an enemy who desperately wants to defeat Christians.
Your Christian life will definitely be enriched by the inspired writing of the Apostle Paul called Ephesians.
You are rich! God, the Father chose you. God, the Son redeemed you. God the Holy Spirit sealed you. Do you know that?
The first of two prayers for you--maybe Paul's greatest prayer. The eyes of your heart must be opened in order that you will be able to know Christ better.
Dead in sin, but made alive in Christ--saved by grace through faith!
By one Spirit we all have access to God, the Father. Paul outlines how Gentiles and Jews may now be saved on an equal footing. The dividing wall of hostility has been destroyed.
Imprisoned for his Christian faith and testimony, Paul shares God's purpose for it all--to reveal the eternal mystery of God in Christ. You will be surprised. It involves you.
The second of two prayers for you. We need to be strengthened with power in the inner being through God's Spirit.
In spite of great diversity and different spiritual tasks and gifts, God makes his children one in love.
A new Christian must shed the old lifestyle of sin and put on the new lifestyle of wholesome living. Christian conduct matters.
Paul shares more about what it means to live a wholesome Christian life--things to get rid of and things to adopt. It is becoming like Jesus Christ.
Husbands and wives have different roles, but the same obligation of mutual submission.
Parent-child relationships are critically important. Obedience and reasonableness still matter in the home--and at work, too.
The devil is alive and well. How can one successfully live the Christian life in the face of an enemy who desperately wants to defeat Christians? Paul gives detailed instructions on how to overcome.