"I Believe" Series
The study of theology is the consideration of God and all that relates to Him. The source of our information is the Bible, the uniquely inspired Word of God.
This series, "I Believe," is not designed to be comprehensive or a technical work for professionals. Rather it is intended for lay Christians, who desire to have a more systematic knowledge of and approach to Biblical truth.
Hopefully, these lessons will whet the appetite of the student so that serious future study might be undertaken in an evangelical school of higher education or personally in evangelical theological books—or both.
Bibliology is the Study of the Sacred Scriptures. This lesson teaches that the Bible is the inspired, written Word of God.
Theology is the Study of God. This lesson teaches how we know God exists and what he is like.
Theology is the Study of God. This lesson teaches about the Trinity. One God in three Persons, yet one in Essence.
Cosmology is the Study of origins. This lesson teaches about how in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Hamartiology is the Study of sin. This lesson teaches how humankind became sinners and what sin is.
Christology is the study of the Second Person of the Godhead. Jesus Christ is God in the flesh.
Soteriology is the study of salvation. In this lesson Pastor Art discusses how people are saved by the broken body and shed blood of Jesus Christ.
Soteriology ia the study of Salvation. This lesson teaches that Holiness is to be like Jesus Christ and is both crisis and process in the believer's life.
Pneumatology is the study of the Third Person of the Godhead. This lesson discusses the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit.
Ecclesiology is the study of the nature of the Church. This lesson discusses the Church as the Body of Christ.
Ecclesiology ia the study of the outreach of the Church. This lesson discussed that there are many witnesses and a few evangelists.
Eschatology is the study of future events. This lesson discusses the circumstances surrounding Jesus' return to earth a second time.
Eschatology is the study of future events. This lesson teaches that Christ rose from the dead and so will Christian believers.
Eschatology is the study of Future events. This lesson teaches that all are destined to an eternity with Christ, or an eternity excluded from Christ.